JULY 27, 2013


Held at

 Geisen Haus Restaurant, Canton, Ohio



Regional Executive               Chuck Heretta                       e-mail cheatn1@att.net

Was absent today, Chuck Stevens is chairing the meeting today in his absence.

Regional Competition          Charles Stephens                 e-mail stephecr2@windstream.net

Regional Membership          Peggy Stephens                   e-mail stephecr2@windstream.net

Regional Secretary               Gus Santagata                      e-mail gussantagata@sbcglobal.net

Regional Treasurer               Ken Rutherford                      e-mail nccc013@yahoo.com

Website                                  www.eornccc.org



All region officers and;

Terry Sells – Governor – Buckeye Corvette

Jim Drabik – Governor - Corvette Cleveland

Wayne Davidhizar for Terry Muich as Proxy in his absence– Governor - Mid-Ohio

Alan Moore – Governor – Tiretown

Ron Sommer – Governor – Lake Shore

Ken Jecman – Governor – NEOVC

Mickey Ouellette – Governor – Fun Center

Chuck Stevens for Bill Wood as Proxy in his absence– Governor – Kanawha Valley

Ted Vannelli for Sharon Burk as Proxy in her absence- Governor – Competition Corvette

Dan Lyden- Governor – Mahoning Valley

Bobby Ferrell Governor -- CWVCC

Al Etzel HOF spokesperson


Gail Moore

Carol Engle

 Betty Davidhizar

Carol Etzel

Michael Getzy

Sue Hamilton

Cheryl Getzy

Steven Hamilton

Linda Vannelli






RE Chuck Heretta not here today

The meeting was called to order by Acting RE, Chuck Stevens at 10:08 am

Call Meeting To Order:  it’s determined that a quorum is present so business can be conducted -- Introduction of Governors


EOR Deaths:  Paulette S. Novak, member of Tiretown Corvette Club, passed away on Thursday, June 27th.  She joined NCCC in 1995.  Please take a moment of silence for her and our lost soldiers.


Secretary:   Gus Santagata – Does someone want to make a motioned to suspend the reading of the minutes and accept them as emailed?  The motion is made, ask for a 2nd to the motion; ask for all in favor and then those that oppose. The motion passed.



Treasurer - Ken Rutherford read the Treasurers report. Questions concerning the report, none.  Asked for motion to accept the Treasurer Report as presented, asked for a 2nd to the motion, and all in favor and accepted. The report is attached to the minutes. As of this past month the savings account was closed and the funds were transferred to the general checking account.



Membership – Peggy Stephens, covered current membership totals.

The reports are attached to this email.


Competition – Chuck Stephens

Competition Report – The report is attached and is also on the website.


HOF – Al Etzel;

Al said that July is the time to submit nominations for the HOF. Al said he is stepping aside for the HOF committee. He has to take care of his health. As of the end of the meeting Al is done. If anyone has a name to submit they should do so.


OLD BUSINESS–Are there any reports concerning the 2014 Banquet? None noted

Our last payment to the museum was made at the 2013 Convention.




NEW BUSINESS- Convention 2013 – Chuck asked if there are any reports or information you would like to share concerning your trip to the convention. 

Next year’s convention will be held in Savanna, GA August 25th through August 29th, 2014. 


A nomination for the office of Regional Executive opens today.  The duties of the Regional Executive are:  The Regional Executive (RE) is the chief executive officer of the region.  The Regional Executive is generally responsible for the business of the Region and shall conduct all regional meetings as set forth in Article VII, Section 1.C.1 of the NCCC By-Laws.  The RE shall state how he voted proxies at the last NCCC Governors meeting.  On Saturday of the NCCC Governors meeting the RE shall meet with governors one half hour prior to the National meeting to inform the East Ohio Region Governors of the previous night’s committee discussions. 


How the nominations are done:  The elected officer shall assume the preliminary responsibilities of their office immediately and officially take office on January 1st.   The RE is elected in odd years for a two year term.  The regional officers shall be elected annually at the Regional Meeting just prior to the final NCCC Governors Meeting of the year.  Each club shall have one vote.  Nominations from the floor will be open for each office at the Regional Meeting prior to the meeting set for the election of officers.  Nominations will close fifteen (15) days prior to the election.  Withdrawals will be accepted by the Secretary no less than thirty (30) days preceding the election.  Person must attend at least two (2) regional meetings within the last year before putting their name on the ballot for an office.  (Example:  your name would go on the ballot in June 2005 so between June 2004 and June 2006 you would have to attend two (2) Regional meetings.)  The Secretary shall immediately notify each club Governor of any withdrawals or additional nominations, if all individuals so nominated have withdrawn from a particular office, nominations for that office will be accepted at the election meeting and the election of such officer will be held at the next regularly scheduled NCCC Governors meeting.  


The nominations made today for the next RE are;

Terry Sells

Gail Moore

Chuck Heretta


If there are any other nominations from a clubs Governor, please submit them to the Regions Secretary NO LATER THAN September 26, so they may be placed on the ballot, after that the nominations are closed. Ballots will be mailed to each club Governors for voting to be turned in on the day of the election. If the a Governor is not able to attend the meeting on the day of voting the ballot should be mailed to the Region Secretary to be counted on the day of the meeting for voting. Otherwise ballots will be collected on the day of the meeting for the vote to be counted.


The next NCCC Governor’s Meeting in St. Louis, MO will be held on Saturday, September 14th and it begins at 12:30pm.  If you’re interested in attending any of the Regional Officers Meetings on Friday night, you are also welcome to attend those meetings.  The Governor’s Subsidy Program is in effect.  If you want to use it, just check with the Treasurer and he will let you know if your club is eligible to use this subsidy. 


The next Regional Governor’s Meeting will be Saturday, October 12th, here at the Geisen Haus at 10:00am.


The National By-Law Changes coming up to be voted on this year should be posted to the National Website.  I went on last night, but didn’t find them, so my guess is that they will appear soon since our next meeting is in September.  You might want to go to this website and check on them.  


Alan Moore suggested the following items;



(1)   In many of the minutes we state “Passed out proposals for By-Laws/SOP asked governors to review and we will vote at next meeting”. No Mention of what was new in the handouts, or a copy of the proposal was not attached to the Minutes as published on the website.

(2)   No attachments to the minutes for any By-Laws, SOP’s or HOF amendments were placed on the website or attached to minutes..

(3)   No versions of any By-Laws or SOP can be found on the website including the latest.

(4)   When we talk about an item that we want added or removed from By-Laws or SOP at a meeting and then pass said revision, there is not enough info in minutes to see what this was all about.

(5)   Should have a place on the website to store all past and present By-Laws and SOP’s.

            So all Governors can keep up with these standards.



There are 3 event dates available and were offered to Corvette Cleveland today. Jim from C.C said he would consult with his club to see if they want them.

NOTE as of this writing on July 31 Corvette Cleveland declined to take the dates. They are open if you are interested please contact Chuck Stevens if your club is interested.




Members gave status of their respective clubs and events.

Most clubs have a website; we encourage you to take a look at them for updates that may not appear on the region website.


The meeting ended at 11:58AM



The Geisen Haus

6955 Promway Ave

North Canton, Ohio 44720


On Oct 12, 2013

TO ALL, This is our “RE” Election Day! All are encouraged to attend this meeting. If you cannot be there mail your ballot to Gus Santagata the Region Sec.


Respectfully submitted,

Gus Santagata

Secretary, East Ohio Region