October 12, 2013


Held at

 Geisen Haus Restaurant, Canton, Ohio



Regional Executive               Chuck Heretta                       e-mail cheatn1@att.net

Also acting Treasurer today

Regional Competition          Charles Stephens                 e-mail stephecr2@windstream.net


Regional Membership          Peggy Stephens                   e-mail stephecr2@windstream.net

Regional Secretary               Gus Santagata                      Resigned today Oct 12

Regional Treasurer               ABSENT TODAY

Website                                  www.eornccc.org



Terry Sells – Governor – Buckeye Corvette

Jim Drabik – Governor - Corvette Cleveland

Regina Muich for Terry Muich as Proxy in his absence– Governor - Mid-Ohio

Alan Moore – Governor – Tiretown

Ron Sommer – Governor – Lake Shore

Ken Jecmen – Governor – NEOVC

Mickey Ouellette – Governor – Fun Center

Rich Brooks – Governor – Medina

Bob Kuty – Proxy Governor – CCA

Mark Thurin – Governor – Canton

Dan Lyden – Governor – MVC

Rudy Shaffer – PROX Governor – MCCC

Tim Obert - Governor - Crooked River Corvette Club



Gail Moore

Carol Engle

Bob Thomsen

Connie Kuty

Dan Gallagher

Roger Fladling

Les Finger

Doug Lawrentz

Tom McClain




RE Chuck Heretta

The meeting was called to order at 10:02 am


Call Meeting To Order:  it’s determined that a quorum is present so business can be conducted -- Introduction of Governors and guests, (see the list of Attendees)


EOR Deaths:  AL Etzel from Buckeye Corvettes, Vicky Ryan from Competition Corvettes and Dr Angelo Petrolla from Mahoning Valley Corvettes.


Chuck asked for corrections from the last meeting. There were some and Gus will correct them. Chuck read the minutes from the last meeting to the group since not all had gotten a copy and the web site is down to post them. (as of this posting the minutes are now on the website for the July Meeting) Chuck accepted the motion to accept the meeting minutes, it passed.


Treasurer - Ken Rutherford is not with us today, RE Chuck Herretta read the Treasurers report.

The report is attached to this Email.  Chuck passed out the report to all the Gov.’s at the meeting. Tim Obert asked about the cost of the checks. Chuck said he ordered thru the bank and he would look at it to find out. There was a question as to where the 2.00 fee goes for membership and Chuck said it goes in the general fund for the region. Chuck described it as a kind of head tax. Chuck said that we bought the acre of land at the museum for 15,000.00. The last payment was made in Jun 2013. It was asked where it shows up at the website that lists all the donors and owners. Chuck will check with Wendell to find out where it is. Tim asked about putting a hold on the head tax for 2014? This all is part of renewals. Chuck asked Peggy if she had details on renewals, she said the data base is still down and does not have this info yet. Tim said to bring this up in the July meetings for discussion about doing the 2.00 renewals. Finally a motion was made to accept the Treasures report as written. It passed.


EOHOF Chuck talk to a former member Bob Kuty to run the HOF since Al has passed away. There is still time to submit to the HOF if anyone wants to up to Jan 2014. Bob can be contacted at QWIKVETTE96@AOL.COM


WEBSITE ISSUES Tim went over some issues with the web site as well as the Nat’l one also. There is a section on the Nat’l website that lists each person’s events and point. Unfortunately is it not in iconological order. Chuck Stevens will make inquiries about that. Tim is trying to fix our website issues. Mid-OHIO Club new web site is MIDOHIOCorvetteClub.com.


Membership – Peggy Stephens, covered current membership totals. We are 1062 right now. We are over our projections for new members. The NCCC report we had 18,000+ members, 269 clubs at this time. FCOA reports 2713 total members. It should be noted that FCOA is not limited to sons and daughters; it can be any younger relatives.

 Use current forms dates Feb 2013. Peggy reminds all Gov.’s that renewals are going on now. Contact Peggy if you have any questions or problems. Peggy’s reports are attached to this email



Competition – Chuck Stephens went over the fact that there are too many classes, 4 groups with 86 classes. The proposals are 44 classes’ 22 men’s 22 women’s. The current and proposed classes are published and Chuck Stephens has a copy if you need to look at it. These are all rulebook proposals. One thing he said that was emphasized was safety. The opinion was that it is the number one priority. There many things proposed as he said. For details see Chuck for the copy if you need to ask specific questions.

One other thing he stressed, DON”T USE A C-7 LOGO ANYWHERE!  

He sent drop dead dates to the Gov.’s when you all go to our bid date meeting in Dec don’t try to get these dates, they are taken. At this time LCC is working their schedule for using the parking lots. Chuck also remarked there are fewer competitors in the 200 club this year. He went over the leaders. AS we stated earlier the point standings are on the web site. Also right now Buckeye and Cleveland clubs are in the top ten clubs for points in the country.

Class changes are as to be voted on,

Elimination of group 1, vote is YES

Leave group 1SE as is, and combining F, G, and H to single class, vote is YES

Combine C-5 Z06 and C-6 to single class, vote is YES

Vote to make C-7 its own class and new class will be “M”, vote is Yes

Totaled all up Chuck will vote yes on all the changes at the next NCCC meeting.


Competition Report – The report is attached and is also on the website. Also on the EOR website, you will find the final end of year standings and point totals.


Lunch break was at Noon.


The Meeting resumed at 1240PM after a lunch break.


Chuck went over the Regional Exec report from his last meeting. He went over submitting newsletters to the NCCC. Re’s have decided that there will be only hard copies of newsletters accepted for this submittal. The contest will be in the next edition of the Blue Bars for details. Re’s also dealt with vacancies on a Nat’l level. He also said the 1 acre deal at the Motorsports Park is now closed, all the land is sold. One other thing he stressed, DON’T USE A C-7 LOGO ANYWHERE!  It has also been determined that the C-7 cars are to be called 2014 Stingray. Not by the term C-7. Nat’l consul is now looking into using a Smart phone app to accept payments on an Iphone. Some Insurance details to look for when using a site for an event. If the agreement has these words in it DO NOT sign it. The words are “Primary noncontributory Insurance writer” These are for clubs that need additional insurance statements. What this may do is change the insured from #3 inline of liability to #1. Your club could be 100% liable for an event. Here is an example; if you were having a show at a dealership and the place burns down, you become responsible for the property. So look for this issue when signing papers. This year’s raffle car will be a 2014 coupe in Savannah Ga. Scholarships deadline is April 15,201 for submittals. To all, check the website to make sure your Email address is current.

 Chuck also said the 2013 convention chairman has resigned. Also there will be no Gov.’s meetings at conventions this year and next. They are now separated. Check NCCC sites for dates. 2014 convention is in the Pocono PA. They will be before Carlisle happens. Nominations were cast for Nat’l officers. They are on the website to review for the Gov.’s to vote on.

Chuck went over the 6 Nat’l by-law changes. These will be voted on at the next meeting. Chuck sent all the proposals to the EO Gov.’s for them to review. The Next meeting is in St Louis Nov 8,9,10.



There were lengthy discussions about the timing trailer and it’s insurance. Here is the final decision on its listing and control. The first motion is/was for ownership of the trailer to an individual in the organization for 1 dollar to include a document that said person is a CUSTODIAN of said trailer and the EOR is the legal owner of said trailer. Motion passed. The custodial individual shall be, for insurance purposes are; Bob Thomsen is the person, however only temporarily until a permanent person is named. Bob will send the necessary info to Chuck H. to get the insurance set up. Chuck H will send an info letter out to all the clubs to let them know what we are doing. A vote of confidence was taken and passed for this item. Chuck reminded all to send expenses for meeting sent to the Region Treasurer for reimbursement up to 150.00.  Alan spoke of reviews of the past By-Laws. He said he needed past items. Gus gave him a large binder of the file of past By-Laws and changes to Alan Moore. He was told he is responsible for this item and it needs to be returned to the Region Secretary when he is finished with it.

Are there any reports concerning the 2014 Banquet? None noted


Next year’s convention will be held in Savanna, GA August 24th through August 29th, 2014.

Gov.’s should have received this in for NCCC. Next NCCC meeting is NOV 8-10 for rule book changes and by-law changes. Chuck read a letter from Dan Lundblad of Blennerhassett Corvette, they are withdrawing from membership in both EOR and NCCC effective immediately.  They also will not cast a vote in the current election for RE. They cite declining membership and costs to their club, as well as being unable to participate in NCCC/EOR activities. Last are the election results. Terry Sells is the new Region Executive by majority vote for the next 2 years. See the last page of this meeting minutes report for the official election results.



Members gave status of their respective clubs and events.

Most clubs have a website; we encourage you to take a look at them for updates that may not appear on the region website. Please keep in your hearts Gary Kosier who is fighting cancer at this time.



Election Results



October 12, 2013


The Election ballots were received by the Region Secretary as of Oct 12, 2013 totaled 16. The votes were opened (from sealed envelopes received from the U.S.Postal Service) at the Region meeting on Oct 12, 2013 and counted by the Secretary.


The election results for the East Ohio Region, position of Region Executive, are as follows;


Total votes cast 15 of 17, (1 abstention and 1 no vote received/cast)

Votes cast as follows;

Gail Moore – 3 votes

Chuck Heretta – 3 votes

Terry Sells – 9 votes


At the end of the region meeting on Oct 12, the Region Secretary gave the results to the attendees of the meeting and declared Terry Sells, a Governor from the Buckeye Corvette club, to be the winner by majority vote. Mr. Sells will assume his Region Executive responsibilities at the Dec 2013 East Ohio region meeting on or about that day, but no later than 1 JAN 2014.

The cast ballots are on file with the Region Secretary.


The meeting ended at 220PM



The Geisen Haus

6955 Promway Ave

North Canton, Ohio 44720


On Dec 7, 2013


Final note to all Governor’s, I am resigning my position as Region Secretary effective Dec 2013. The New Region Exec, Terry Sells has appointed as new secretary, Ana Phillips. Please afford her all courtesies as you did for me during my term as secretary. Thank You.



Respectfully submitted,

Gus Santagata

Secretary, East Ohio Region